The architecture firm Marcante-Testa has designed the new Spotti-Valcucine showroom in the area of Porta Venezia in Milan. The project focuses on the architectural reconfiguration of the existing space on three levels, with an area of about 300 square meters. Particular care has gone into the choice of the materials, suggesting an interpretation of possible scenarios for the kitchen environment.

The precise decision not to display any other furnishings permits visitors to focus exclusively on the products and their aesthetic impact, as well as the sophisticated technology that is one of the brand’s strong points.

The use on the walls of tiles by Ceramica Vogue with micro-structural surfaces, together with clay facings from Matteo Brioni, brings visual and tactile balance in relation to the finishes of the doors and worktops.

Continuity and fluidity between the kitchens and the architectural space are also made possible through the bespoke design of certain furnishings and shelves, and of the luminous paneling on the ceiling in wood and Vienna straw (Gebrüder Thonet Vienna), creating constant interactions between the world of decor and that of facings and finishes.

To complete the project in its various dimensions, a series of small objects created specifically for the occasion by Studio Fludd explores the charisma of edible matter and its transformations.


project: Andrea Marcante – Adelaide Testa

collaborators: Alessia Castelli

styling: Studio Fludd

photos: Omar Sartor, Ruggiero Scardigno, Marcante-Testa